October 22, 2010 Bhubaneswar bills itself as the City of Temples.  So my hosts took me on a brief tour of some well-known landmarks.  As evening set in on that day, we stopped by temple atop a small hill. 

October 17, 2010 A couple of month’s back I made contact with the director of a socially-based theatre company located in Orissa.  Through e-mail, we discussed the possibility of me visiting his group and facility.  On Oct. 12 I

October 10, 2010 My sandals have endured the rain and its puddles far more often than I would like.  No matter where I seem to set them, when it rains, they get significantly wet, such that the next day

September 21, 2010 SNIPPET ONE: As the final day came to a close, a number of the young students pulled out little slips of paper, small wrapped boxes and pens.  They handed me these gifts with thank you’s and

September 13, 2010 As I sit in the living room of a good friend of mine here in Kerala state, enjoying the cool of the fan above my head (more about the significance of that fan coming) and listening

August 14, 2010 Sitting at the Hotel Saravana Bhavan, a restaurant chain, I strained to listen to the fascinating young woman sitting opposite me as we sipped our fresh lime sodas (oh, boy, I love those things).  Not that

August 8, 2010 This is a moment I need.  A fair warning to those queasy about self-congratulatory moments like the one that will follow.  Look away, hold your nose, prepare to chuckle, or to stop with this sentence; whatever

August 3, 2010 Using the parlance of this place…Shall I talk about food?  Truth to tell, I am not sure I am qualified to do so, despite the fact that many people will utter their disappointments that I am